Thursday, March 19, 2009

I finally feel like me.

Hey, so time is running out faster than I could have ever imagined it would. April 23rd is getting closer and closer, and I have bitter sweet feelings about my return home. Of course I miss my family and friends and a few other special people in my life, but I've met new friends here too, formed networks, and have gotten very comfortable in this new environment, but alas, all good things must come to an end and I've come to terms with that.

What amazes me is that only now, have I actually begun to be me. At first, as I've mentioned before, things weren't really going my way, academically at least. The grades I got were not representative of what I normally achieve, and I was worried, rightfully so, I think. I wondered what the problem was, could it be that I'm just not as intellectually gifted as I thought I was? Was it the new school and all the new teaching methods and such? Could it be that I missed home more than I realized? I think that all of these factors played a role in my not doing as well as I could've in the beginning, but things are starting to take a turn for the better. I'm doing much better in two of my classes, one is still a challenge, but hard work has paid off before, and I'm sure it will again. I'm excited again! I'm finally getting grades I always knew I could, and I'm happy.

Other exciting news is that I made The Chronicle Herald! Yay!! I wrote a Letter to the Editor, and it was published! As I understand it, not just ANY letter to the editor is published, it has to be of reasonably good quality, so you can imagine my excitement and utter glee when I saw that mine made the cut. Here's a link to the letter, take a gander and let me know what you think.

In other news, I'm travelling to Halifax this weekend for Caribanza which is a banquet/formal event which includes Caribbean students from the different Universities throughout Halifax. It's hosted by St. Mary's University and Dalhousie University. I'm looking forward to it, as I'll have the opportunity to explore Halifax "Proper", if you will, meet new friends, and see old ones.

Oh, and SPRING IS HERE! The snow is melting, and I'm already missing the cold. But I can tell that it's going to be a beautiful spring though, the birds are all happy and chirping, and the people here are all excited! It's still a bit chippy, but the students are all dressed down, flip flops here, short pants there, tank tops there again, it's amazing how things change so quickly.

Anyway, I have to go now. Take care!

This has been Collegeguy.


  1. Hello there collegeguy, now why didn't I find you sooner? I love your blog. I noticed your comment couple of weeks ago on gayte-keeper, and I liked what you said. So I promised myself that I would 'check' you out, so to speak. After what seemed like ages, I finally found you. I love your writing.

  2. Why thank you Madam Shallotte! You have no idea how much I appreciate that. Thanks for looking me up, hope I can continue to keep you reading.

  3. I get exactly what you're saying - it's amazing first of all how challenges are presented in our lives and they seem insurmountable and the first thing we do is doubt ourselves when we have what it takes within us overcome. [not a license to be overtly cocky - I know the SAC people get carried away.

    I'm in a new area temporarily and really the first day I was like "I cannot do this - this is ridiculous" after the first week I'm like "bring it on".

    But not about me: I think it speaks to someone's character when the fall into doubt it just means that you hold yourself at a certain standard but you must always remember that you can do anything - it may require more effort but it is possible, just got to work like a darn horse [dog]

    I know you will miss there - I would too.

    I'm happy you've had this opportunity to find yourself

    And I'm even more happy that you're had a taste of trufreedom - surly it does wonders
