Thursday, January 29, 2009


So I have a lot to say tonight..and I feel like I should let it ALLLL out.

Why is it, that people find it so hard to communicate things PROPERLY? If you tell me A is A, wouldn't I expect A to be A all the time, why would you expect me to think A was G? Does that even make sense? If you say this is this, let this stay this. I HATE it! Seriously. I do.

And then the situation is treated as though I'm the ass that can't understand the English language? That's just uncalled for. Anyway, I digress.

As of late, I've been confronted by a few people who are or have been going through some rough times in their lives, of which I'm most appreciative. These revelations if you will, have brought me back to a previous post, the one about living for self. We give so much of ourselves to others, and they give us absolutely nothing in return. Please understand that I am not this bitter, I am not a selfish person, but people are bringing out the worse in me. I love giving, it's fun, but it's the being taken advantage of that I loathe. When did it become ok for people to simply not give a damn about you, but expect that you dedicate every iota of your being to them? I simply can't accept that.

Living for self simply means that we protect ourselves, you know, ensure that all is well with ME. Afterall, if you don't who will? It has nothing to do with being selfish, or "bitchy" as one put it, it has everything though, to do with respecting, loving, and caring for you. My mother always says, "respect begins at home and ends abroad" and the fact is, behavior breeds behavior. If you respect yourself, others will respect you as well, if you love yourself, others will learn to love you as well, and if they don't, so be it, the last time I checked, that does not stop the earth from going around the sun.

In this life, in this day, it is important to love yourself, this will enable you to love others, and most importantly, never forget to love God, for He is love.

This has been Collegeguy.


  1. I am so lost right now.

    But Mr. is such a giving person and the Psychologist / Sociologist in you won't stop you from trying to help every damaged puppy that you see - but dude sometimes those damaged puppies need a vet and that's me being nice.

    I don't know enough of the situation to draw any ultimate conclusions but you better focus on what you are doing and forget all this other stuff - especially if it's adding misery to your life 'cause that truly unnecessary.

    This is not the Mr. College Guy Pageant and if it were Mr. Congenial wouldn't be the award that you would be going for. The winner is always a .....

  2. Lol. How very inappropriate, understood, but inappropriate. You always know the right thing to say though. I'm not sure if it's adding mysery so much as it shedding light on a few things that have been in the dark for a while.

    I'm not miserable, I'm just...well, I'm not miserable, I know that.

    Noted though.
